Peru (page 1/62)

Rāda: Peru - Pastmarkas (1857 - 2025) - 3073 marka.

1857 Pacific Steam Navigation Company

1. decembris SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforated

[Pacific Steam Navigation Company, veids A] [Pacific Steam Navigation Company, veids B]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
1 A 1R - 1 300 2 166 - USD  Info
2 B 2R - 1 625 2 166 - USD  Info
1‑2 - 2 925 4 333 - USD 
1858 Coat of Arms - Small Letters

10. marts SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms - Small Letters, veids C] [Coat of Arms - Small Letters, veids D] [Coat of Arms - Small Letters, veids E] [Coat of Arms - Small Letters, veids E1] [Coat of Arms - Small Letters, veids E2]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
3 C 1D - 216 43,34 - USD  Info
3a* C1 1D - 216 43,34 - USD  Info
4 D 1P - 866 135 - USD  Info
5 E ½Peso - 2 166 325 - USD  Info
5a* E1 ½Peso - 2 166 325 - USD  Info
6 E2 ½Peso - 5 417 4 875 - USD  Info
3‑6 - 8 667 5 379 - USD 
1858 Coat of Arms - Large Letters. Double-Lined Frame

decembris SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms - Large Letters. Double-Lined Frame, veids F1] [Coat of Arms - Large Letters. Double-Lined Frame, veids G]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
7 F 1D - 325 32,50 - USD  Info
7a* F1 1D - 325 32,50 - USD  Info
8 G 1P - 325 54,17 - USD  Info
8a* G1 1P - 325 54,17 - USD  Info
7‑8 - 650 86,67 - USD 
1860 Coat of Arms - Zigzag Lines in Spandrels.

SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms - Zigzag Lines in Spandrels., veids H] [Coat of Arms - Zigzag Lines in Spandrels., veids I] [Coat of Arms - Zigzag Lines in Spandrels., veids I1]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
9 H 1D - 162 10,83 - USD  Info
9a* H1 1D - 162 16,25 - USD  Info
10 I 1P - 325 32,50 - USD  Info
10a* I1 1P - 325 32,50 - USD  Info
9‑10 - 487 43,33 - USD 
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
11 J 1D - 325 65,00 - USD  Info
11A* J1 1D - 189 21,67 - USD  Info
12 K 1P - 325 32,50 - USD  Info
11‑12 - 650 97,50 - USD 
1860 Coat of Arms - 10 Lines instead of 9 in Left Label

SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforated

Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
13 L 1P - 189 32,50 - USD  Info
1862 Coat of Arms

18. novembris SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms, veids M] [Coat of Arms, veids M1]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
14 M 1D - 10,83 3,25 - USD  Info
14a M1 1D - 10,83 3,25 - USD  Info
1863 Coat of Arms

15. janvāris SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforatedq

[Coat of Arms, veids N]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
15 N 1P - 86,67 32,50 - USD  Info
1866 -1867 Llamas

5. jūlijs SV: Neviens Perforēšana: 12

[Llamas, veids O] [Llamas, veids P] [Llamas, veids Q]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
16 O 5C - 8,67 0,54 - USD  Info
17 P 10C - 8,67 1,63 - USD  Info
18 Q 20C - 27,08 5,42 - USD  Info
16‑18 - 44,42 7,59 - USD 
1868 Coat of Arms - New Colour

18. jūlijs SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms  - New Colour, veids M2] [Coat of Arms  - New Colour, veids M3]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
19 M2 1D - 16,25 3,25 - USD  Info
19a M3 1D - 16,25 3,25 - USD  Info
1871 Coat of Arms - New Colour

1. februāris SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms - New Colour, veids N1]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
20 N1 1P - 135 43,34 - USD  Info
1871 The 20th Anniversary of the First Railway in South America

aprīlis SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Imperforated

[The 20th Anniversary of the First Railway in South America, veids R]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
21 R 5C - 108 32,50 - USD  Info
1873 Llama

1. marts SV: Neviens Perforēšana: Rouletted horizontally

[Llama, veids S]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
22 S 2C - 43,34 270 - USD  Info
22a S1 2C - 43,34 270 - USD  Info
[Coat of Arms - Embossed with Grill. See Also No. 69-75, veids T] [Coat of Arms - Embossed with Grill. See Also No. 69-75, veids U] [Coat of Arms - Embossed with Grill. See Also No. 69-75, veids U1] [Coat of Arms - Embossed with Grill. See Also No. 69-75, veids V] [Coat of Arms - Embossed with Grill. See Also No. 69-75, veids V1] [Coat of Arms - Embossed with Grill. See Also No. 69-75, veids W] [Coat of Arms - Embossed with Grill. See Also No. 69-75, veids X] [Coat of Arms - Embossed with Grill. See Also No. 69-75, veids Y] [Coat of Arms - Embossed with Grill. See Also No. 69-75, veids Z]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
23 T 1C - 0,81 0,54 - USD  Info
24 U 2C - 0,81 0,81 - USD  Info
24a* U1 2C - 1,08 0,81 - USD  Info
25 V 5C - 1,08 0,27 - USD  Info
25a* V1 5C - 10,83 2,71 - USD  Info
26 W 10C - 0,27 0,27 - USD  Info
27 X 20C - 2,71 0,81 - USD  Info
28 Y 50C - 13,00 3,25 - USD  Info
29 Z 1S - 1,63 1,63 - USD  Info
23‑29 - 20,31 7,58 - USD 
1880 Coat of Arms - Not Issued

SV: Neviens Perforēšana: 12

[Coat of Arms - Not Issued, veids T1] [Coat of Arms - Not Issued, veids U2]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
30 T1 1C - 2,71 - - USD  Info
31 U2 2C - 2,71 - - USD  Info
30‑31 - 5,42 - - USD 
1880 Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "PERU" at Bottom

5. janvāris SV: Neviens Perforēšana: 12

[Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "PERU" at Bottom, veids AA] [Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "PERU" at Bottom, veids AA1] [Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "PERU" at Bottom, veids AA2] [Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "PERU" at Bottom, veids AA3] [Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "PERU" at Bottom, veids AA4] [Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "PERU" at Bottom, veids AA5]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
32 AA 1C - 0,81 0,54 - USD  Info
33 AA1 2C - 1,08 0,81 - USD  Info
33A* AA2 2C - 65,00 54,17 - USD  Info
34 AA3 5C - 2,71 1,08 - USD  Info
35 AA4 50C - 32,50 21,67 - USD  Info
36 AA5 1S - 86,67 65,00 - USD  Info
32‑36 - 123 89,10 - USD 
[Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "LIMA" at Bottom. "PLATA" 2½ mm High, veids AB] [Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "LIMA" at Bottom. "PLATA" 2½ mm High, veids AB1] [Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "LIMA" at Bottom. "PLATA" 2½ mm High, veids AB2] [Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "LIMA" at Bottom. "PLATA" 2½ mm High, veids AB3] [Types of 1874-1880 Overprinted - "LIMA" at Bottom. "PLATA" 2½ mm High, veids AB4]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
37 AB 1C - 1,08 0,81 - USD  Info
38 AB1 2C - 21,67 13,00 - USD  Info
39 AB2 5C - 2,17 1,08 - USD  Info
40 AB3 50C - 650 325 - USD  Info
41 AB4 1S - 135 86,67 - USD  Info
37‑41 - 810 426 - USD 


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